Wired News: High Seas Drug Runners Ditch Cops
This is awesome. I’d love to get a poke around that place.
This is just beyond awesome: Boing Boing: Meth dealers use model rocket to hide drugs
They’ve gone all typographic and print-like. I love it!
Protopage is a brilliantly useable application of AJAX and Javascript. A useful application for non techy folks who want to create an instantly editable “links page” to set as a home page.
Dreamhost are doing a crazy discount deal at the moment where you get $110 off any hosting plan. So, if you sign up for their “Crazy Domain Insane” deal for $120/year, you pay…$10! For that 10 bucks you even get a free domain, shell access and all the cgi/php/perl stuff you’ll ever need. I signed up and registered ollyjackson.com, just for the sake of it :).
Wow, Michael Palin has all of his travel books available on his website to read, for free. I’m currently reading (a hardcopy) of Himalya and it’s a very pleasant book, factual yet entertaining aswell.
Great site devoted to Crates & Barrels in games. You won’t “get this” unless you’re a gaming geek, sorry.
Just a quick one. Technorati, blog indexer extraordinaire had a redesign a couple of weeks ago. It’s ok, more clutter than their old one, but man do they love those curvy boxes. They’re everywhere!
This site of Nintendo tat for the NES brought lots of childhood memories back. I used to go to my friend Marks house almost every day after school and play for hours on his NES. He had one way before me and had awesome games like Duck Hunt (stupid dog…) and MegaMan. Fun Times.
A fantastic blog written by a guy stationed in Antarctica on the Brunt Ice Shelf, at one of the British research stations. I spend ages just flicking through his gallery of photos.
Google have added world satellite coverage to Google Maps with high-res stuff for a lot of big cities around the world. Needless to say, the submission queue over on GGSS is creaking under the flood of new (non-US) submissions. Maybe now people will stop emailing us saying “you guys suck, how come you don’t have maps for country X” 🙂
BusMonster combines traffic information, real-time bus locations, bus routes and timetables for Seattle and plots it all onto Google Maps. This is a very nice piece of work, executed extremely well. I’ve thought of doing something like this for Edinburgh buses (or some sort of ‘accessible lothian buses’) but calculated/generating the route data would be a major pain. If only lothian buses published their ‘Bus Tracker’ location data online…
Gmail Hard Drive.com turns gmail into a super easy web-enabled file archive. Neat.
Someone on the Keyhole beta test program reviews the latest verison, now re-branded as “Google Earth”. The new 3-D views look pretty amazing!
I nice write-up of the backstage project over on the O’Reilly Radar with a link to my Travel Data Prototype.
The BBC recently launched their backstage project that aims to provide lots of the BBC’s data to developers to play around with and develop innovative applications. They currently have lots of RSS/XML feeds for all kinds of data like: news, weather, travel, sport etc. I’ve knocked up a prototype using Google maps and plotting the current UK travel data onto it.
Threadless have another $10 sale on. Get out the credit card…
Now this is a sexy looking console. Give me this over the Xbox 360 and PS3 any day.
This guy is making a port of Grand Theft Auto for the NES, yes the NES. He is one dedicated guy, considering he had to make: an assembler, graphics editor, map editor and a host of other tools all from scratch just to make this game!
Another super-cool use of Google maps here. Chicago Crime plots all the crime data made available from the Chicago Police Department. Check out all crimes reported in the 3 a.m. hour on May 5, 2005 in Chicago. You can even map out all the prostitution busts. Excellent combination of the two technologies. Needless to say I’m working on something very similar at the moment for Google Sightseeing.
Great article by John Oxton on the current web design fashions. I was toying with using some of those “special offer” stars on the site here somewhere :).
These paintings by Robert LaDuke in the Mendenhall Sobieski Gallery are aces. They remind me a bit of those old British Railways posters saying ‘Skegness is Great’ and ‘Come see Blackpool’.
Lately the boys and I over at Google Sightseeing have been conversing with Brad Stone, a journalist from Newsweek. His article about the whole thing is now up online to read and gives us a nice write-up along with lots of quotes from Alex. Annoyingly, he initially spelt my name as “Ollie” which drives me nuts (I always spell it “Olly”) so I dropped him a polite email and he changed it pronto :). Brad even gets in some cheeky digs at our quaint Brit view of the world and the wacky way we pronounce things (it was a telephone interview).
Unsure of which party has promised what for the upcoming elections? Who Should I Vote For is for you.
According to them I’m a raving Lib Dem, closely followed by the Greens. Sounds about right to me.
The avatar making website Stor Troopers is back after being offline for ages. So, here is me and kerry:
Wahey! At last Google have released Google Maps UK. I’m honoured that we’re the first European country to get the maps treatment. Now they just need to integrate the UK satellite data from keyhole 🙂
I think their map rendering algorithm must have struggled a bit with our wacky non-grid like roads. I still like the style of the maps and the interface is just genius. I atttempted to use multimap the other day and was totally stuck when I couldn’t drag the map around. Google must have some mighty clever DOM gurus working for them.
This guy has constructed his own comics using screen shots from Half-Life 2 for all of the artwork. It is very, very well done. This guy has some skills! http://www.phwcomics.com/
Great idea! Creative Commons licensed samples: http://freesound.iua.upf.edu
Amazing “future-Russia” designs for uber communist buildings. A strange look at what could have been had it not all fallen apart: http://www.muar.ru/ve/2003/moscow/.
Neat front onto amazon for charities to generate revenue: http://www.givezilla.com
“Lorem Ipsum” is dummy text that designers use to fill text spaces on a page. It looks like pseudo-latin and allows you to layout a page with instant realistic content. Here’s an example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum hendrerit, felis nec rhoncus ultrices, velit purus scelerisque ligula, a mattis quam risus eget elit. Proin nec purus sit amet leo fringilla mattis. Nam pede lacus, lacinia et, mollis a, bibendum et, sapien. Mauris sagittis tempus arcu. Nullam cursus metus a sem. Mauris eros nisl, imperdiet eget, nonummy ut, suscipit ut, lectus. Nunc sit amet dolor nec orci volutpat porta. Quisque rutrum lectus at purus. Mauris nulla lacus, imperdiet et, faucibus ut, consectetuer sed, leo.
From lipsum.com. Someone has come up with a few alternatives, including “techno babble” which is just great 🙂
James, Alex and I have started up a collaborative blog spotting cool stuff in the satellite photos on google maps. Go take a look.
Update: Well, that was massively more successful than we initially thought. We’ve had over eight hundred submissions and apparently we are using up to much of the server’s resources. We’re currently relocating to a friendlier host.
Update, update: Woo-hoo, we’re back!
Really, really cute and well designed pixel and tiling pattern website. It even calls the pattern section ‘table cloths’ on the site, very cute.
I’ve been thinking about some adding some kind of background pattern on here and some of those would be ideal.
I was wandering around John Lewis last week and I noticed the really cool coasters:
A little bit periodic-table-like. They were rather expensive though so I thought I’d check online.
Unfortunately Half Moon Bay only do trade sales over the ‘net. While I was browsing their online catalogue I did notice this really funky NYC door mat:
…and this “lollertastic” pack of chewing gum which Kerry actually got me last christmas! (So thats where she got them from…)