
Why I Run

I run for myself. I run for my family. I run for my colleagues. I run to allow my brain to filter the dayโ€™s noise. But mostly, I run for myself. I have a rough running schedule taped to the fridge, so my wife knows when Iโ€™m aiming to go out. By 8pm the children […]

On Running

I’ve become a runner. One of those people. It all started back in 2016 with an invite to lunchtime “run club” at work. It got me away from my desk, around the city, and talking to colleagues I often didn’t interact with on a normal day. I found it was good fun. My colleagues Emily […]

Lockdown Communique

First blog post in six years, that must be a new record right? Putting aside the current global pandemic a lot has happened to me personally in the last six years: Sold our flat and bought a sensible house, with a garden and everything Had not one, but two children – both boys, now 4ยฝ […]

Scout & Molly

Does this thing still work? Guess I fell out of love a bit with blogging. I’ve done quite a bit of tweeting, a lot of DIY at home, bought a car, and did a lot of work at, er, work. In other news, we got two lovely cats.


  • Lehrter Station

    Lehrter Station

  • Potsdam Station

    Potsdam Station

  • The Last Hillwalker

    The Last Hillwalker

  • Mountains of the mind

    Mountains of the mind

  • Stettin Station

    Stettin Station

  • Silesian Station

    Silesian Station

  • Zoo Station

    Zoo Station

  • Night School

    Night School

  • The Burning Room

    The Burning Room

  • Past Tense

    Past Tense

  • Moskva


  • The Names of the Dead

    The Names of the Dead

  • March Violets

    March Violets

  • The Pale Criminal

    The Pale Criminal

  • The Serpent’s Mark

    The Serpent’s Mark

  • The Crossing

    The Crossing

  • The Reversal

    The Reversal

  • Polar Star

    Polar Star

  • Wolves Eat Dogs

    Wolves Eat Dogs

  • Havana Bay

    Havana Bay

  • State of Treason

    State of Treason

  • Azincourt


  • Nemesis


  • Hitler’s Secret

    Hitler’s Secret

  • A Prince and a Spy

    A Prince and a Spy

  • The Law of Innocence

    The Law of Innocence

  • The President is Missing

    The President is Missing

  • Last Flight to Stalingrad

    Last Flight to Stalingrad

  • The Siberian Dilemma

    The Siberian Dilemma

  • Blackout


  • Anhiliation


  • Acceptance


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