archive for the Logos That I Like category

GRU Logo

Logos That I Like Thursday 14th December 2006


The Russian intelligence agency GRU has an awesome logo


Specific Heat

Logos That I Like Tuesday 10th October 2006

I keep seeing this on vans around Edinburgh and every time it catches my eye. OK, it’s not creative genius but I like it.



Revolution = Wii

Gaming,Logos That I Like Sunday 30th April 2006


Silliness aside, it is an extremely clever brand and logo. Just what we’ve been led to expect from Nintendo really 🙂

update: and the new wii website is just as purty as the logo!


The Forestry Commission

Logos That I Like Monday 6th June 2005

forestry commission

The Forestry Commission logo has been a favourite of mine for a while now. The simpleness of the overlapping trees is great, and the two different trees help to represent the range of trees the commission must look after. It is also remarkably similar to the Ordnance Survey symbols for forests (shown left).