MSN Sandbox, an awful lot like Google Labs.
MSN Sandbox, an awful lot like Google Labs.
There are some neat interface design tips over on my current fave 37signals.
Joe has found a new job working for Forbidden Planet which is probably one of his dream companies to work for. He’s not just working for them though, he’s now running the Company Blog. Oh the irony!
300 Good Free Fonts for Designers:
Colour WW2 Photos:
Great gallery of 50s futuristic art:
So, it appears that GeoURL is back on the block after downtime of like, years. Reading around the new site I found out that it was originally started by Joshua Schachter, who went on to create The site is now being developed by Bjorn Hansen and he seems to be adding lots of nice new features (It knows I’m near Corstorphine). Of course, I’ve added myself to the database complete with new flat coords. Check out my neighbours.
This is very cool. It basically allows you to do slide shows in very simple XHTML and then the system does all the navigation and progress bars and basic layout. Very nice use of the technology. I must remember to try to use it the next time I have to make a presentation.
One blog that caught my eye as I was browsing the 2005 bloggies entries was SimpleBits. The design is very, very nice. It’s pixelly, very tight and precise and I love the colour scheme. I think I need more icons on the site here, another thing to do when I’m feeling better.
I’ve always been an admirer of design company 37signals. They have an incredible uncluttered and useable design style. The thing that made me notice them was their ’37better’ project where they redesigned some common websites themselves. They’ve also got a host of very cute projects like Ta-Da Lists, an online task list mananger and their fully-fledged project manager BaseCamp. Such good project names 🙂
I was reading some rant of Cory’s on boingboing tonight and googled up one of his friends names and found his website. He’s a pretty interesting guy, who’s certainly been hanging out on the internet stoop for a while. I mean, he proposed the alt.* newsgroup category, that is some serious old skool. Anyway, his website has some interesting material, and I find that he is a found member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Clicking ahead I go, bracing myself for the horror that used to be the eff website to find that they’ve had a re-design and its actually not bad. Would be nice it it validated though…
Every now and again I get the feeling I’ve seen all the cool (i.e. I think is cool) stuff on the net. When I find sites like this I realise how dumb thinking I’ve seen everything is, there’s always something else out there.
Really nice customisable hoodies, tees and lots, lots more:
They’re even more affordable for us Brits at the minute with the weak dollar 🙂
James from work/uni is getting married (at last) to Catriona. Of course, being a geek and fellow web nut he had to setup a wedding website complete with wordpress powered blog. Oh yeah and he stole my stylesheet: “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” 🙂
Hands up who’d rather have a whole load of wind turbines over a nuclear reactor. Sign here: embrace the revolution.
Woo! It’s FireFox update day! I’m lovin’ the new features in 1.0PR like the rss integration, tweaked theme, faster UI, etc. It’s just so much better than Internet Explorer I don’t know where to start. If you haven’t switched, do so now.
If you’re looking for an Outlook alternative there is also FireFox’s sister project Thunderbird . This became my preferred news client after Outlook drove me up the wall with its incessant crashing and generally being lame and un-responsive.
Adam is back in Edinburgh after his industrial placement at Rolls-Royce. He’s finally had time to do a re-design of his site and has gone for the “oh so cool” photo at top. I hear it’s what all the cool kids are doing…
My good pal Alex has recently been promoted within Waterstones to a buying position based in big ol’ London. He moved their yesterday, on the train, more of an advance party I think. He’ll most likely be without any kind of ‘net connection for a while, but has just got a new bling-bling mobile that comes with a ton of free picture messages. Being the enterprising geek that he is he’s going to put those free picture messages to use with the free photo log service provided by He’s already started documenting his adventures including a blow-by-blow account of his delays on the train journey down. Have a look at what will no doubt evolve into an interesting small-ginger-man-in-London photo-blog.
HULK’S DIARY – made me laugh
Defense Tech – military technology blog that is full of interesting Iraq news at the moment
Federation of American Scientists – huge site that contains oodles of information about intelligence, weapons etc
My main man Brad has had a very funky redesign which is inspiring me to get my ass into gear and clean this place up. Anyway, go check out his much less eyeball-melting look.
BadAssMovieImages.Com which inspired me to give the images over there on the left a bit of a spring clean. I’ll add some new ones later but those four will do for now. You can click on the image to change to the next one. When you first hit the page it is supposed to randomly pick one of them to show.
Fairly busy just now with a large web project for a heritage trust my Dad is involved with. Other than that, I’m panicing about getting time off work for stuff with Kerry and general OMGNOMORESTUDENTLOAN.
Fascinating site based on a an american guys father’s pictures of nazi Germany as it was invaded by the Allies. He does lots of ‘then and now’ comparisons. Some of the proposed plans for nazi monuments are amazing in their scope and size.
This made me laugh a lot:
Avalanche Company: The 213 Things Skippy is No Longer Allowed to Do in the U.S. Army
Kev, my haXor buddy, fellow slacker and bacon lover has finally got of his ass and made a kinda-website-thing, check it out:
Interesting (and probably very dangerous) tour around the chernobyl area, now a complete ghost town:
The brad-ernator has had a redesign. Quite a severe redesign, hes going back to his tDr roots :). I like it, its a bit of a change from his rather stately Georgia font, green and brown of late though.
Bizzare, but intriguing:
Brad has finally finished/started his desktop wallpaper gaming site:
Also, Ian has has a re-design and a shuffle about. Very basic at the moment.
justin’s – I can spend hours browsing this website.
My main man Rick has been a busy beaver. Taking lots of very nice shots in and around home. Check it out: | ![]() |
Fascinating female Iraqi blogger: Baghdad Burning
Fellow Edinburger and waterstones fave Charlie Stross finally gets married: Charlie’s Diary
Just checking my referrer logs (all the sites that have linked to me) this morning and I see a link from the bbc’s scotblog page. It seems I was listed as a ‘tasty’ scottish blog. \o/
Ben joins in the blogging shenanigans. It’s what all the cool kids are doing.
Stumbled across last night, and managed to spend ages chuckling over Strongbad’s emails. Especially this one, the BURNINATOR strikes!!11.
Superb voice acting and nice animation along with ker-azy characters make for the funny.
My main man Graeme (AKA Flinty) has just inserted his mind into the matrix here:
niiiice url 🙂