Save the Cheerleader, Save the World

Movies & TV Wednesday 7th February 2007

Kerry and I have just starting watching Heroes via our friends in the USA, and it’s awesome! The best new series I’ve watched in a while. It’s a mix of the best bits of all of the recent comic-book movies. The fun bits of Spidey where he is discovering his powers and the more “real word” collisions of x-men. It’s also chock full of comic book references, geeky characters and some excellent story arcs. We watched about five episodes back to back the other night so it must be good.



  1. It basically gets better and better.

    Now watch Veronica Mars.

  2. Glad you’ve joined the heroes bandwagon 😀 We watched 11 episodes in a week before we ran out and had to wait for them to be aired. Which is torture btw…