
Me Monday 16th August 2004

Monday? Already? gah! Weekend was very busy and fun. Kerry and I got the train down to my parents on Friday night for my Mums birthday celebrations. We had a nice lazy Saturday morning with a huge array of food for brunch. In the early evening my sister and I got the barby going and cooked a great dinner. We had bacon steaks, huge burgers, thin beef steak, blackpudding….yum yum.

On Sunday we all piled into both cars and set off to Nenthead to show John and Kerry around the museum and site. The weather was gorgeous for the most part with some random light showers. Us kids went down the mine aswell about an hour after we got there. It was very cool and peaceful down there and we were absolutely ravenous when we got out. All in all a good day. I should really finish their website for them…


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