Loved Up

Me Monday 16th February 2004

Well, me and Kerry had a very nice valentines weekend. We did the whole dinner thing last Tuesday as that was our six month aniversary. It really doesn’t seem like six months, I think thats a good thing .

We went to The Tower restaurant in the Royal Museum and had a pretty fantastic meal. I had leek and cheese tart on leaves to start and courgette linguine with pinenuts for main course. It wasn’t veggie intentionaly, just happened to end up that way. We relaxed in the nice atmosphere there for a couple of hours and then went to the Auld Hoose to do the pub quiz, which we won! yeee-haaaaa! A gallon of beer was the prize, which, in the real world mean 8 drinks from the bar. There was six in our team so we have one each and gave the bar staff the others. They love us now.

Anyway, getting back to this weekend. It was my mate Ian’s birthday dinner at some Tapas place in the Omni Centre, so we went along and stuffed ourselves with the very yummy morsels. I has some cheese thinf, a chicken thing and a sausage thing. I still hate olives, I want so much to like them.

We basically slummed around on Saturday morning and then Kerry cooked a superb and huge breakfast. Full works, she even made me coffee (she hates it). I joined this new 24 hour dvd rental place in the evening and we rented League Of Extraordianry Gentlemen, I’d seen it in Kansas in the summer but Kerry hadn’t. I have to say, its not as bad as I remember, quite good fun infact.

Sometime on Saturday I started feeling absolutely terrible, just totally full of cold. Had a very interrupted nights sleep on Saturday and then muddled through a day at work on Sunday. I slept better last night but I kept Kerry awake with all my wriggling around. I’ve decided to miss uni today on the grounds of still not feeling 100%. Got a handin for Wednesday aswell, wish me luck…


One comment

  1. Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Na Nah Nahhhh…..

    eeeesh you krayze krazee kidz.

    congratulaaayshuuns… n sheelleebraaashunz…