Olly J In Da USA

Me Tuesday 8th July 2003

Local Time: 4:52pm

Well, we made it in one piece. I am currently sitting in the air-conditioned lovelyness of my Aunt’s basement in Ottawa, Kansas. No mid-air collisions or random mechanical failings. Total flying time of approximately 13 hours in three different planes means I was one tired bunny last night. Although bizzarely I woke up at 7am after going to bed after midnight. I’m thinking it might catch up with me soon.
So far we’ve eaten out twice and done some random shopping in Wallmart, and american is similar in some ways but then just bad-sh*t-kerazy insane in others.

Wallmart is a prime example, 5 litre buckets (literally) of ice cream, boxes of dozens of doughnuts. Plus the wallmart is about the size of two football pitches, sells everything under the sun and is open 24 hours a day

Oh and man, is it hot. You just just out of the air conditioned car and run to the air conditioned shop. It was pushing 35+ yesterday and it doesn’t really get any cooler at night. The heat is so bad, everything is made drive-through, so you don’t have to leave your car. Drive-through banks, post offices, movies. It’s mad.

I will report more soon.



  1. Wall mart.. oh baby…. jelly bean heaven *droools*

    Make sure you bring back some random computer products :d like cheap apple laptops and things… I’ll even transfer money into your account to do so *chuckles*

    Mmmm wish I was there too!

  2. Whatever you do, don’t eat walmart crab sticks, cause if you do, you may miss out on epcot center and chinese takeway in those neat little american plastic containers you see on tv. Damn walmart.

  3. 35 C – pah – just wait til it heats up. 😀

    Oh and it *will* catch up with you – about 9pm tonight….just you wait.

  4. Can they understand a word you say? I remember a Glaswegian friend having to put on an American accent when phoning New York. And have you met anyone called Toto?

