And so the summer begins…

Me Monday 16th June 2003

The extended exam celebrations have finally finished. With everyone finishing at different times we had multiple nights out as groups had their last exam. Last Friday has to be the Keraziest though, Kev invited me to the pub at about noon where we proceeded to drink the afternoon away in the sun. Then went back to Kev’s and drank more of his alcohol mountain and watched Challenge TV whilst drunk (highly amusing). We somehow went for lunch amongst all that which was comedy, what with kev almost dopping all his food and then forgetting we’d paid and then looking for our (non-existent) coats.
Native State was the agreed meeting point for the rest of the possee and we had lots of expensive drinks in there before moving on to Honeycomb. Which rocked, in fact for most of Saturday I still had the ringing in my ears from the massive drum’n’bass beats. Just remembered about Native State today and immediately checked my bank balance (ouch), bad places to buy rounds.

Started my full-time work shenanigans yesterday aswell and found that I’m working Wednesday-Sunday this week. Friday-Sunday being HARRY POTTER JUDGEMENT WEEKEND, that is going to be harsh. :/

Festival fever is also hotting up, with most of the programs being released this week. Should be a good summer 🙂

olly out.


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