I’m not getting into this JCG book as much as Pashazade. The plot is a little all over the place for my liking, the characters are still very good and the locations are great. Now I’m past half-way and stuff has ‘happened’ I’m getting into it more. We’ll see how it goes towards the end…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque odio est, rhoncus eget, facilisis eu, mattis a, tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Phasellus congue justo eu eros. Donec pretium tellus quis mi. Morbi ultrices vehicula elit. Proin in elit. Donec hendrerit, risus ac pretium interdum, ipsum ligula viverra felis, non aliquam felis ligula in elit. Suspendisse lacus. Etiam id arcu. Sed consectetuer porta enim. Fusce arcu sem, venenatis et, suscipit vel, rutrum at, tortor. Maecenas semper commodo tellus. Donec vehicula urna ut dui. Morbi aliquam porttitor leo. Vestibulum magna pede, tincidunt non, viverra quis, pharetra sed, turpis. Donec elementum.
I was just into this when I lost it with my bag in ye great bag losing of xmas 06.