Christmas time….

Me Friday 26th December 2003

Arrrrrrr, the xmas madness is coming to an end. I would have blogged yesterday but I could not move from the sofa due to the vast amounts of turkey, pork, ham, wine etc… It was all very tasty though, big up thanks to the cooks. I got some very nice presents: shiny headphone-ninja headphones, two towers dvd, lots of chocolate, many pairs of socks, a box of lush goodies, and so on.
We were tempted to brave the crowds today and try and shop, but we went for an extremely “brisk” walk on the beach. The wind was absolutely screaming in off the sea and we ended up getting a small exfoliation session and a mouthfull of sand by the end of it. It all helped to blow (exterminate) the cobwebs though.

Tomorrow we are getting up “early” to browse the sales, Dad wants us out the door at 9 am. ho ho ho, should be interesting.


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