First Impression
Very Good, as good as Fellowship.
Superb battles and follows both story threads nicely.
Also, Gollum was done very well, very nicely animated and you started to forget he was a CG character. A different league to Jarr Jarr Binks.
Good Things
Gollum voice acting
Helms Deep (good explosion).
Ents attacking Isengard
Siege of Helms Deep
Gimli comedy, slightly overdone
They kept the Gimli/Legolas counting orcs scene
Not So Good Things
Elrond was far too nasty and non-elvish
Too many Arwen & Aragorn smoochy scenes
Too many scenes of scared children
Oh come on! Aragorn and Gimli aren’t that good
Elves at Helms Deep?
Rohan people didn’t seem that ‘great’
w00t, film roxx0r
Alex - December 20th, 2002 @ 12:12 amYour not so good things are crap!!!
Elrond is a badass, pissed off with Men, of course he’s going to be loath to help them.
Too much Arwen/Aragorn?! Out of a 3 hour film it probably added up to 5 minutes(tops) with them together.
Scared children?! If I was in Helm’s Deep I’d be bricking it! What about all the scared warriors?!
Gimli is a psychopathic dwarf. Aragorn is soon to be king of the world and has the blood of Numenor in him. Of course they are that good.
So Frodo in Osgiliath didn’t bother you at all?!
It’s an interpretation of the book, the book is not used as a script. Elves instead of Rangers was a good enough choice to me.
The Rohirrim aren’t that ‘great’? Neither are the Hobbits. What did you want them to do exactly?!
You’ve a long way to go before you are a critic Olly.
Matthew - December 20th, 2002 @ 12:22 amerm, ok
olly - December 20th, 2002 @ 1:12 am/me hides
Matthew - December 20th, 2002 @ 11:10 am